Stuff on this website:
- My previous cat, Rachel
- Slides from NBLUG presentations:
- Linux Programs
- Free secondary DNS services
- Bicycle stuff:
- The Tri Via Gearing System (the bicycle that pedals backwards & forwards)
- 1955 Hercules Royal Prince fixed gear bicycle
- Measuring the Impulse Bandwidth of an EMI Receiver
- My Photo Album
- The Cannon Shoot
- My DVD collection
- A couple of interesting Articles on surround sound
- My Yamaha YZF600R
- TV & Monitor Pixel/Inch Comparision Table
- GnuPGP Key Fingerprint = 3E79 08BD CE24 6BB2 26D1 8A14 813D 5C64 D54B 5462
- GnuPGP Key ID 0x813d5c64d54b5462
Other sites on this webserver:
- The Sonoma County Shooting Association Inc.,
Social Media Accounts:
Some of my other webpages:
- My Pre-'97 Dakota Rear Anti-Sway Bar FAQ on the Dakota mailing list website.
- My Crayfish web page on Melissa Kaplan's website.
Some good places to eat in Sonoma County California:
- Lee's Noodle House
- Kettles Vietnamese Bistro
- Lynn's Thai, Cotati
- Thai Orchid, Healdsburg
Links to some people I know:
- My Sister & Brother in Law's business: HillTop Metal Work
- The North Bay Linux User Group:
- The webpage of one of my ex-bosses:
Siegfried Linkwitz
"Guide to high accuracy sound reproduction in a home environment" - Vladan Temer's Sonoma Instrument Co.

Links to some people I don't know:
- Ian's Shoelace Site
- Motorcycling thru Chernobyl's nuclear wasteland
- Protect your brain
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
- The Riot Wheel (mono wheel)
- PowerLabs High Voltage Research!
- Dr. Mega Volt
- I sit in Siberia and have only Telnet and want to ...
- Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster